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Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Background Check legal?

Employers have an absolute right to conduct lawful employment screening in order to hire the best qualified candidate. The Employer first obtains the applicants written consent to be screened in the firms Job application form.

Does it invade privacy?

NO. Employer’s can find out about only those things that an applicant has done in his “public life”. E.g. checking records for criminal convictions, verifying with past employers and verification of educational qualifications.
This does not invade a zone of personal privacy.
Employers are looking only at information that is valid and non-discriminatory predictor, of future job performance.

Is it cost effective?

Employment screening will typically cost less than the cost compared to the damage one bad hire can cause. It is
ironic, that some firms will spend hours shopping for a computer bargain, and at the same time try to save money by not adequately checking out a job applicant, which represents an enormous investment.

Is it difficult to implement?

For an over burdened HR department handling numerous tasks, outsourcing background screening can be done very quickly and effectively. A qualified employment screening firm can set up the entire program and provide all the information in a short period.

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